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English   The long road to the rear-mounted engine
17.11.2011 von admin

As a side note, in response to the quickly progressing expansion of the Reichsautobahn system, from 1935 on stylish, futuristic design studies for new touring coaches of unprecedented dimensions quickly were produced. Daimler-Benz, Büssing-NAG, Henschel, MAN and Vomag approached the public with impressive plans for gigantic large-capacity buses. Daimler-Benz presented a model of one such vehicle at the 1935 Berlin auto show. The MB 805 V12 diesel previously used in locomotives was supposed to give this vehicle a particularly strong heart; a proper engine room was provided for it at the back of the bus. Under discussion were outputs of 350 and 450 hp. However, the Second World War put an abrupt end to these pipedreams.

Mercedes O 3200, 1937

First postwar bus arrives as early as 1948

After war’s end the want and need were great and no one could waste a thought on futuristic vehicles such as this. But in March 1948 Daimler-Benz already managed to introduce the new O 4500 bus. This vehicle took up the traditional cab-behind-engine design, but integrated it into an aesthetically extremely pleasing overall design.

Mercedes-Benz O 4500 bus at Stuttgart main station, 1948.

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